Student-Athletes & Chiropractic Exams


As we approach back to school time and fall sports' season, now is a good time to have your student athlete tuned up and ready to perform!

I believe that it is critical to have a comprehensive exam to look at the biomechanical function of the body prior to starting a season of rigorous practice, training and games or matches.

Growing kids have needs unique to their bodies with regard to the spine, joints and soft tissue. It's important to address and examine sports specific areas of the body to prevent injury, first and foremost.

Also, I like to listen closely to kids' explanation of minor nagging injuries that just don't seem to go away. I can clarify the degree of true injury and take steps to correct any problems.

The goal is to get your student athlete to perform optimally and safely for a winning season!

Here are seven reasons that kids should be checked out now, before his or her season starts:

  1. Reduce the risk of injury by identifying areas of the body that are susceptible to strain based on the given sport.

  2. Address any nagging issue proactively before it turns into something worse.

  3. Ensure optimal performance by removing physical barriers that can lead to injury.

  4. Get necessary screening for scoliosis and address appropriately.

  5. Record baseline body measurements and data, creating benchmarks for comparison at future exams. It's helpful to track injury issues over time to make sure an athlete is on the road to proper healing.

  6. Collaborate with the athletic trainers and give them the critical information gathered, after an appointment.

  7. Take steps to prevent ACL injury, a common and debilitating injury that we see all the time, and often necessitates surgery.

Contact our office today to schedule an exam for your student athlete!


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