Safely Restarting a Workout Routine

I love my patients, and as much as I love seeing them, if you injure yourself from trying to jump back into a workout routine too quickly and too intensely, you run the risk of seeing me weekly. Being physically fit is essential and a great way to boost your immune system and stay healthy. But going from 0 to 100 too quickly can be dangerous and lead to injury. Follow these tips to keep your body ready. 

  1. Consult Your Primary Care Physician

    It might not have felt that long (or it was an eternity), but being out commission for even a few weeks can leave your body in a sensitive position. Consult your physician to make sure you are good to return to the gym, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Overdoing it can result in injury.

  2. Start Slow 

    We know you might be excited to return to some sense of normalcy, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Rushing too quickly into activity can lead to injury from strains and sprains to worse. Give your body the chance to build up endurance and strength.

  3. Stay Hydrated

    Coffee and LaCroix might be comforting, but they aren’t ideal for proper hydration. Make water your go-to for your hydration needs. While how much depends on the person, most people need about 4-6 cups of water each day. 

  4. Match Your Nutrition to Your Physical Commitment 

    When people stop working out, their nutrition might suffer, which means their body is not running on optimal fuel. Make sure fruits, vegetables, nuts, and healthy fats and oils are the dominant choice in your diet, so you are fueling your body for your increased activity.

  5. Rest

    Recovery days are as important as the workout. You put in a few killer days at the gym and are feeling the effects. You are sore, tired, and maybe a little cranky. This is your body’s way of telling you it is time to rest. Not resting can lead to injury, which can lead to a visit with me.

  6. Focus on Form 

    Do not speed through your workout. Take it slow (notice a theme here?) and make sure you are performing each movement correctly. What can happen if you don’t? That’s right, injury and a possible visit with me. 

  7. Have Fun 

    Do not beat yourself up or be critical of where you ‘should be.’ We all are experiencing a very stressful time. Exercising is an excellent way to reduce stress, so make it fun and enjoy it. Find a workout buddy. Not only does this help make it fun, but it also gives you accountability, which will help keep you going, especially when you might not want to. 

Have questions about the best way to return to exercise without causing injury? Contact us today! We are open, clean, and efficient.


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